Sunday, December 12, 2010

The latest letter continued...

Now for the fun part... :^)

I find it hard to believe that I have the power or charisma to persuade anyone to willfully break the law and if there is documentation, let's see it! The FACT is that it is untrue and no such document exists. I love reading about their facts and when asked to provide the supporting documents, their response is "it will take too much time." FYI: my facts are available within a moments notice and/or a simple Google search away.

I am especially fond of the part of the letter where it tells us that the community is beautiful... uhhhh, there is a 4 foot high tree stump by the mail boxes, trees are missing along Simmons, and there is an old, beat-up van that leaks large amounts of oil on the road that is parked in front a neighbors home. How is that considerate or maintaining the community's appearance?

Now, let's talk about the meetings. They are for HOMEOWNERS to approve/ratify the budget, for HOMEOWNERS to discuss and approve legal proceedings, annual elections, address complaints filed against the Association/Board Members, address unfinished business, etc. Roberts Rules for the Agenda as copied right out of the book:

We must learn to run a meeting without victimizing the audience; but more importantly, without being victimized by individuals who are armed with parliamentary procedure and a personal agenda.
  1. Reading and approval of the minutes.
    (Motion to approve is not necessary. The minutes are either approved as read or as corrected, but without a vote.)

  2. Reports of Officers, Boards, Standing Committees.
    (This includes correspondence, treasurer's report, etc. Treasurer's report is never adopted or voted upon unless it has been audited. )

  3. Reports of Special Committees.
    (Each report could conclude with a motion which the assembly must address.)

  4. Special Orders.
    (Any motion which was adopted as a Special Order which guarantees that the motion will be dealt with before the meeting is adjourned.)

  5. Unfinished Business and General Orders.
    (Any issue which was not concluded, was postponed, or was tabled during the prior meeting. The secretary's minutes should inform the chair which items to add to this section. Only a clueless chair would ask the assembly, 'Is there any unfinished business?')

  6. New Business.
    (This is when the chair and the parliamentarian can be surprised by the sequence of events. It is best to always anticipate issues the membership may present, or else be embarrassed by the complications.
    It is at this time that announcements, educational programs, and speakers are introduced.)

  7. Adjournment.
    (A motion to adjourn may be made at any time of the meeting. The assembly should never be forced to meet longer than it is willing to meet.)
Following this agenda will take waaay more time than the 8 - 10 minutes that Mr. Bitsky claims is all that is needed. Also, the ACHOA Executive Board, for some reason, expects the homeowners to come up with an agenda. This can be heard during the most recent "meeting." How is that following Roberts Rules?

One thing the letter fails to point out is that the complaints made to the Ombudsman are against the ACHOA and the ENTIRE board. No one is out to "destroy" any one, as the many video and audio recordings prove, Mr. Bitsky handles that very well on his own. The FACT is that we found not only unethical behavior by the board members but gross misappropriation of Association funds by the Executive Board. These are the things that the Ombudsman is currently investigating. By the way, the Ombudsman has not done anything yet because they are still investigating.

Lastly, what have I lied about? Did I lie when I brought Mr. Bitsky's Felony conviction to light? Did I lie when I brought the ACHOA credit card to light? Did I lie when I brought the FACT that he doesn't have either a Real Estate License or Property Managers Permit? I would like to see what I am accused of lying about... again, I have documentation to support all of my accusations against the Board Members, Mr. Bitsky (hiding behind the Board) only has his own heresy.

Oh, and who is he trying to fool by saying that he is stepping down as President? Whether he is President, Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer, it changes nothing: the ACHOA address is still HIS house, the ACHOA phone number is still HIS phone number, the computer used for the ACHOA is still HIS computer, he and his wife still maintain the majority of power for the Executive Board, and the CREDIT CARD is STILL in his name.

Mr. Bitsky and the Executive Board are trying to take us all for idiots. I've got news for them: We are all waaaay smarter than they think.

The Latest Propaganda from the ACHOA...

Most of us have gotten the latest letter from the ACHOA in the mail yesterday, 12/11/10. I am not a writing expert, nor do I claim to be one, however, I find it interesting that the ENTIRE letter is written in the first person... using "I" often and the last paragraph that reads: "Now, for the news, I, Joseph Bitsky..." but the letter is signed "The Board of Directors." As with most letters from the ACHOA, and as we saw on the Channel 13 videos, none of what is being said by the Mr Bitsky and/or the ACHOA makes sense. I my humbled opinion, it's either 1) done on purpose to confuse us or 2) he/they have absolutely no clue about what he/they are talking about.

Now, for the meat and potatoes of the letter, which I will address the "facts" that he/they present...

Bitsky Fact#1: Mr. Bitsky contradicted himself by saying that only 4 people have been fined, but earlier he said only two have been fined.

Bitsky Fact#2: Having a CPA "do" the books is NOT the same as an audit by an independent CPA as required by law. Also, the CPA to which Mr. Bitsky refers to, never had a heart attack and said that he was not allowed full access to the ACHOA finances, so he was not able to accurately account for the ACHOA finances.

Bitsky Fact#3: 5 houses sold means 5 people LEFT... they MOVED AWAY!!!

Bitsky Fact#4: NRS requires that Homeowners MUST APPROVE the application of a credit card; The budget numbers are very different from last year's, and I have yet to see an proper budget form. Also, per NRS, homeowners MUST VOTE to approve the budget; if the bills are getting paid: 1) why do we need a credit card and 2) why is there a continuing balance on that card?

Bitsky Fact #5: even though the assessments have remained $16, the ACHOA is now IN DEBT, which means that we OWE MONEY! We have all seen the increase in power and water bills, so how has the ACHOA been able to off-set those increases??? those increases are now being charged INTEREST on a credit card.

Bitsky Fact#6: I have spoken to no less than three homeowners who are afraid to draw attention to themselves and don't want to be the target of the ACHOA/Bitsky rage. These people have never been fined!
Bitsky Fact#7: The person who got fined for parking an alleged "commercial" vehicle did ask for permission, but was denied. I even have it in writing, both the request and the denial letter.

Later, I will address the rest of the letter.

Sweet Dreams!!!

Cyber Bully Blogger.

PS: Mr. Bitsky claims that this blog violates NRS and CC&Rs. I have, in my possession, a copy of the 1st amendment of the US Constitution that give me the RIGHT to free speech. Unlike the letters from the ACHOA/Bitsky, my information is backed by documention NOT heresy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The President of the Hall of Shame

Well, the cat is out of the bag... Mr. Bitsky admits on TV what he has been denying for years: he is a convicted Felon!
Thank you, Darcy Spears, for helping spread the word regarding the truth about the ACHOA!
I look forward to getting my fine in the next week or two. I'm sure the fine will be for my illegal blogging, as Mr. Bitsky commented about on the Channel 13 website.

Funny, I can't seem to find it anywhere in the CC&Rs or NRS that prohibits blogging. I did, however, found an old document that guarantees my right to free speech... I believe it's called the 1st Amendment.
Like I have said before, these are the FACTS! I never expected anyone to believe me, which is why all of my information is independently verifiable... Google Search works best.

Sweet Dreams!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Way more to come

A short piece of information: my confirmable FACTS have not changed, but the "facts" provided by the ACHOA change with every letter that we get.
I have been called a bully, but I'm not the one threatening and attacking people. I'm also not hiding anything... Just giving you something to chew on.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Continued misinformation

Today is the day that the ACHOA said that they will be mailing out the election ballots. Even though NRS requires 30 days in which to submit nomination requests, the ACHOA only allowed 15 days (letter from the ACHOA mailed out on August 3, 2010 and the ACHOA deadline was August 18, 2010).
When you consider that, 1) we didn't get the ACHOA letters until August 4th at the earliest and, 2) we had to mail a request for the nomination documents and wait for those documents to be returned, and 3) we had to fill out those documents and mail them out, it left a very small window for actual nominations. You should also consider that, per CC&Rs and NRS, nominations can be taken during the annual homeowners meeting immediately prior to the election... we, the homeowners, were never advised or given that opportunity. This opportunity for nominations at the meeting should have been on the agenda, but it wasn't.
We need to ask ourselves: "why does the current ACHOA executive board continue to make it almost impossible for anyone other than the Bitsky's to serve on the board?" Don't take my word for it, look at the facts for yourself.

Here are some facts:

Mr. Bitsky denied the existence of an ACHOA credit card, but now says that he has to use one to pay the bills.

Mr. Bitsky denies that there is an NRED investigation, but admits that he provided the NRED Ombudsman with documents and photos because of a complaint that was filed against the BOD.

I have highlighted this information because, sometimes, it's hard to make sense of all the rhetoric that is thrown around. Again, please verify this for yourselves, because as Mr. Bitsky says in his letters, I am a know-nothing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Bitsky Truth

This blog was started to reveal the TRUTH regarding the claims of the ACHOA and it's executive staff.
I wish to point out that ACHOA President, Joseph Bitsky, has NEVER provided a source that can verify his credentials nor has been able to provide certified, official documents to support those credentials.
However, I have been able to verify, through public information sources such as Nevada Division of Real Estate and Nevada division of Licenses, that he is misrepresenting himself and his credentials.
Until such time that certified, official and verifiable documentation is provided, we will continue to search out, find, and report the TRUTH.

Sincerely yours...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The latest correspondence

Well, we have a new letter from ACHOA President Joseph Bitsky and the ACHOA. Let's point out the flaws in this letter and give you the facts:

1) The ACHOA and it's officers ARE under investigation. A complaint was filed, now the Ombudsman's office is INVESTIGATING the complaint, which is why the ACHOA had produce various files, as is clearly admitted in the letter.

2) Per the following law, members of the HOA and/or board may be removed.
NRS 116.785 - Remedial and disciplinary action: Orders to cease and desist and to correct violations; administrative fines; removal from office or position; payment of costs; exemptions from liability, # 2. If the respondent is a member of an executive board or an officer of an association, the Commission or the hearing panel may order the respondent removed from his or her office or position if the Commission or the hearing panel, after notice and hearing, finds that:

(a) The respondent has knowingly and willfully committed a violation; and

(b) The removal is in the best interest of the association.

3) Mr. Bitsky claims to be a property manager for 12 years. To either be a Property Manager or to act in the capacity of a Property Manager, you MUST be licensed by the State of Nevada. There is NO record of the State of Nevada issuing a license to him. This can be confirmed on the State of Nevada's website ( As a matter of fact, per State of Nevada CIC website, Mr. Bitsky was fined $8,000 for acting as a property manager WITHOUT a license and, later, denied a license in 2005 for failing to disclose his criminal arrest history on the application. Also, I have correspondence from Mr. Bitsky that conflicts his 12 years of experience.

If anyone has a question, don't just ask the ACHOA, call North Las Vegas Code Enforcement (702-633-1677) and/or the Nevada Division of Real Estate (NRED) 702-486-4033, press 1 for licensing. You can also check out their respective websites:

After all, THEY are the authority... not the HOA.


The ACHOA/Joseph Bitsky is also trying to mislead us by stating that the CC&R are not superseded by NLV city codes. Per NLV City Code Enforcement: CC&Rs can be more restrictive than city codes but they can't supersede City Code, there is a difference.

An example: to keep a horse on your property, your property must be at least 1 acre. The CC&Rs can NOT make the size limit smaller (superseding NLV code), only larger (more restrictive).

Again, this is the continued misleading by the ACHOA/Joseph Bitsky to make us think that he and the ACHOA have absolute power.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Well, I wonder... the ACHOA/Joseph Bitsky claim to not single anyone out and/or have favorites, why then are his buddies lighting off illegal fireworks on his street?! Perhaps it's because he turns a blind eye when it comes to his buddies but will fabricate information against people who he doesn't like.

One day, the homeowners within the Autumn Chase Community will be given the complete truth and the current board will be held accountable! It is time for the lies and deceptions to end!

One day, Little Boy Blue will be found out.

PS: where are all of the "veterans" that cherish the blessed American flag today?! My flag is STILL flying high while these "veterans" prepare for their next "enlistment."

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Just what are Robert's Rules of Order?? The HOA is governed by NRS and CC&Rs, sorry but the ACHOA can't just make stuff up as they go along. Is Robert the same guy who says that when your signature is on some Real Estate office's wall/ceiling that you are licensed in Real Estate?? HA, what a joke! By the way, does Robert say in his book that you must make it nearly impossible for members to attend meetings?

Come on, really... having an HOA meeting in the middle of the day on a Thursday??? Why not have it on a Saturday so people don't have to take off of work, and LOSE money??? Ridiculous!! Just what is the ACHOA afraid of??? FYI: SB 182 REQUIRES audio recordings and they MUST be made available to homeowners. Please send me mine within 30 days as required by Nevada law!

I love the "Quick Notes." FYI: there is no law regarding the display of a ripped/torn flag (US Code Title 4 Chapter 1 #5) by civilians, however, it is against the law, in some states, to misrepresenting one's veteran status! Serving time in prison is NOT the same as serving your country!
Ya know, if people didn't trespass on private property, they wouldn't get bitten by the homeowner's dog!!! FYI: the leash law ONLY applies to when the animal TRESPASSES on public/private property. Please read the LEGAL definition of the term 'trespass.'
Books 'being done' is NOT the same as an audit. Where is the documentation?? Where was the documentation on August 29th, 2008?? Where was the documentation on October 4th??

This is just more propaganda and gross misrepresention of the facts!

Monday, March 22, 2010

In the crazy world of the ACHOA...

My, my how the facts continue to get distorted.

As we continue to gather our factual evidence regarding the ACHOA, more and more becomes apparent... the facts ARE out there and they WILL be brought to everyones attention. :^)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where's the proof?!

Another FABULOUS letter from the ever unprofessional, immature, illogical, and mystifying ACHOA President, Joseph Bitsky. He says not to listen to the hearsay, lies and assumptions by providing us with hearsay, lies, and assumptions.
Joe Bitsky's proof that he had a Real Estate license is his signature on the wall or ceiling of Key Realty... funny, every Real Estate agent that I know has an actual piece of paper from the State of Nevada. I guess it is impossible for someone unauthorized to sign a wall, there are very strict standands when it comes to graffiti, don't you know.
I also find it interesting that he claims that the attorney was fired after being paid in full. Normally, when a contract has been satisfied, the company isn't considered fired... so, what truth REALLY lies beneath that statement?
Additionally, what proof does Joe Bitsy have that me and Cathy are responsible for the $6,000+ attorney bill?? None, it's just him saying it... AKA: hearsay.
Oh, and by the way... the neighbor that hasn't paid his assessments, he is a government contracted employee who was deployed to Iraq. Upon his return, he paid the ACHOA over $200 to make good on what Bitsky said was owed, but Joe Bitsky refuses to acknowledge that the ACHOA ever got paid (FYI: I have a copy of the cashed check that Bitsky said doesn't exist).
As for being selective... when I call the telephone number for the ACHOA, I am hung up on. Who ever is by the phone actually picks up the phone and disconnects the call so that I can't even leave a message on the answering machine. I also sent a certified letter to the ACHOA on January 25, 2010 ( all of my letters that are sent First Class get "lost in the mail" according to Bitsky ) which was refused, sat at the post office for 30 days, and has been returned to me as unclaimed on February 25, 2010.
Lastly, when I reviewed the documents as Mr Bitsky stated in his letter, there were missing bank statements, missing contact agreements, missing tax statements, missing utility bills, missing credit card statements (yes, there IS an ACHOA Wells Fargo business credit card that had a $4,400+ balance as of 06/2008), missing meeting minutes, and much more. Joe Bitsky was advised by the attorney, who was hired by the ACHOA, that he needed to provide ALL of the missing documents which was required by law. At that point Mr. Bitsky accused the attorney of conspiring against him and said that he was hired to find loop holes to protect him (Bitsky). Mr. Wiley advised Bitsky that he was hired by the ACHOA, that he was there as a representative of the ACHOA and was not hired to lie and/or deceive in order to protect Bitsky.
I look forward to the next entertaining letter from the ACHOA!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Power hungry

The ACHOA is now attempting to enforce NLV laws by fining residents that operate ATV's on public streets. While these people and vehicles are posing NO threat to anyones safety, the ACHOA feels that it has authority to enforce city codes. Reality check: only if we lived in a gated community, can the HOA restrict vehicles on the enclosed roadways; However, ALL roadways located in and around the Autumn Chase Community are PUBLIC, which means that the HOA can NOT restrict access.
The ACHOA is a power-hungry, money-pit that needs a change of leadership!!1