Monday, September 18, 2017

The flaw of HOAs...

Having served five years on our HOA board, I can see how those elected can get carried away. The biggest hurdle is getting homeowners to participate in more than just paying their assessments. Many of us homeowners fail to realize that it is OUR association and that WE are in control of how it's run. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that the law and/or rules that are in place are written in stone and we can do nothing but obey, but the fact is that WE, the homeowners, can make, amend, and eliminate rules. WE, the homeowners, elect board members not to be the dictators, but to simply run the day to day business of the HOA... at the end of the day, the HOA belongs to ALL of us.

As we've seen in the KTNV 13 HOA Hall of Shame, many HOA board members in the Las Vegas Valley intimidate and abuse their perceived power to extort homeowners. The Hall of Shame has also shown us that homeowners can take a stand and, with a little effort, remove the dishonest board members... some times, with those thieving former board members going to jail.

Our HOA has taken five long years to get back to good... we still have a long way to go before we are completely financially stable, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting close. Thank you to all of the homeowners who take the time out of their busy schedules to voice their concerns, attend meetings, and help when ever they can!