Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Truth...

Let's focus on why this blog was started: the TRUTH! Well, folks... we can't. The fact is, there is NOTHING truthful about the ACHOA!
The ACHOA has been lying to us for years! These lies were perpetrated by Joe Bitsky to cement his position within the ACHOA, it's BOD and to hide his personal useage of HOA money. He willfully lied about the former CPA having a heart attack; he willfully lied about the credit cards; he willfully lied about me posing as a "LVPD officer"; he willfully lies about his felony conviction; he even lies about his most recent coercion charges.
I don't hate HOAs, I hate the bullying liars that run them! Mr. Bitsky, Mrs. Bitsky and Mrs Murphy are costing the homeowners of the ACHOA thousands of dollars! He will blame me and a couple other homeowners for the ACHOA spending money on attorneys, etc, but the fact is: these attorney fees were a DIRECT result of the current BOD's mismanagement and blatant disregard for Nevada laws and our own CC&Rs.
The Truth... the ACHOA wouldn't know the truth if it was lit up like a Christmas tree.

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