Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Transfered Blogs from ACC website

Friday, November 7, 2008

I sent out the remaining letters to all of the homes in our community today, as well as any owners listed on the Assessor’s website that lives else where.  I hope that this venture is successful, despite certain people who wish to keep the owners/residents in the dark.  If you have any problems or questions, I am almost always available...  just call or email me.

Wednesday October 29, 2008

I started mailing out letters to all homeowners and residents today.  I should have them all mailed by weeks end.  I will most likely hand deliver a separate newsletter so that I know that ALL residents receive one.  I won’t just pick a select few households or “friends”...  I’ll will send them to everyone.

Tuesday October 28, 2008

Most of us have probably received the most recent HOA letter giving the results of the election on October 4th, which also included more unprofessional soapbox propaganda from the HOA President, Mr. Joe Bitsky.  

    The “information” that he shares in this letter is not factual, it is a distortion of the facts.  He was referring to me when he wrote about a “supposed” board member... the facts are, as many of us who attended the election meeting in March will remember, that I WAS elected to the board.  That can not be disputed.  Facts, Mr. Bitsky...  provable facts.

   Also he claims that, through smart accounting and good management, he is able to keep our assessments at $16 per month. What he has never revealed is that he opened a Wells Fargo business credit card for the Autumn Chase Homeowners Association a year or so ago.  The statement dated  06/17/08 shows a balance of $4,410.39 ($8,832 is the maximum that can be collected through assessments).  Mr. Bitsky NEVER mentioned this debt (as is required by Nevada law) to the homeowners and would not provide any other statements or receipts (as required by NRS 116.31175) to show what was charged to this credit card. This debt is OUR (the homeowners) responsibility. This credit card information is FACT.  Jason Wiley, the ACHOA’s attorney, is a witness.

  This is just the tip of the iceberg. 

   Change is coming... and I’m leading the way.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Truth about the ACHOA of NLV, NV

The current President of the ACHOA in NLV, NV, hides the truth about the Association with lies, deceit, and cover-ups. 
    NRS and CC&Rs  state that we MUST have an association meeting once per year and MUST have an annual election for board members.  The ACHOA was chartered in December of 2001.  Since that time, there have been 3 (yes, only 3) meetings.  According the the Nevada law, there should have been at least 7.
     According to NRS, the association MUST be audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant once every 4 years...  it has yet to be done.  There is also no record of that the Federal taxes have been filed for 2006 or 2007. 
    The current president of the association has been in complete control of the ACHOA since at least 2004 and REFUSES to abide by Nevada law to allow homeowners to review all of the ACHOA documents... he even disregarded the associations attorney, who advised him of his legal obligation.
He even filed false documents to place a lien, and subsequent foreclosure, on a homeowner.  He claimed that the homeowner purchased his home illegally and never paid association assessments, even though the homeowner has a cashed/cancelled check for over $200 that was payable (and cashed) to Autumn Chase Homeowners Association.
    A goggle search of the ACHOA president resulted in several Nevada Real Estate CIC meeting minutes that said that he was a CONVICTED felon.  

   Homeowners, we are in BIG trouble when this man bankrupts the association and we are all left to foot the bill.