Tuesday, October 25, 2011

He's back!

Oh, don't we love the colorful, delusional rantings of JoeBo the Clown?!?! I wish I could visit his little fantasy land so I could get some perspective of what the Hell he is talking about. The things he says on WWW.VegasHOA.com are outrageous! He's back on the "a misdemeanor is less than a traffic ticket" march. What is this guy drinking and who does he think he's fooling? Other than lying to yourself, no one else buys it, JoeBo!
Oh, what an interesting soul he is! Well, let's watch for his next court and/or TV appearance.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Of course... why shouldn't the elections be cancelled? Seriously, who wants to serve on a board that is not only mismanaging money, but has put themselves in a legal bind with both the civil and criminal courts?
By the way, two nominations were denied because "you know why." What ever that means.

Well, the time has come and it is well over due. Good luck to the current ACHOA board of directors. PS: it would be in your best interest to answer the knock at your door... this time, burying your head in the sand may cost you more than you know.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Here we go again!

  Well, the latest letter from the ACHOA is out and it's announcing an election for only one BOG seat.  SURPRISE, it's Helene Murphy's seat!  Does anyone really think that Mr or Mrs Bitsky would ever give up thier seats?!  And, in perfect Bitsky style, they are IGNORING the law by only giving us less than 23 days for nominations! NRS requires 30 days.
   Any one want to wager that only friends of the Bitsky's will be allowed to run, if they allow any one at all!  Well, it should be another interesting election in the ACHOA!

Friday, June 24, 2011

JoeBo the Clown

Vegashoa.com is really getting entertaining! Of course, Mr Bitsky continues his contradictory statements and refuses to acknowledge the rules of Nevada's governing bodies. What is more interesting is that when he attempts to describe the people posting comments against him, which he still thinks is only me, he is actually describing himself. Someone should contact Fox or TruTV and get start a TV show... it's THAT entertaining!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Truth...

Let's focus on why this blog was started: the TRUTH! Well, folks... we can't. The fact is, there is NOTHING truthful about the ACHOA!
The ACHOA has been lying to us for years! These lies were perpetrated by Joe Bitsky to cement his position within the ACHOA, it's BOD and to hide his personal useage of HOA money. He willfully lied about the former CPA having a heart attack; he willfully lied about the credit cards; he willfully lied about me posing as a "LVPD officer"; he willfully lies about his felony conviction; he even lies about his most recent coercion charges.
I don't hate HOAs, I hate the bullying liars that run them! Mr. Bitsky, Mrs. Bitsky and Mrs Murphy are costing the homeowners of the ACHOA thousands of dollars! He will blame me and a couple other homeowners for the ACHOA spending money on attorneys, etc, but the fact is: these attorney fees were a DIRECT result of the current BOD's mismanagement and blatant disregard for Nevada laws and our own CC&Rs.
The Truth... the ACHOA wouldn't know the truth if it was lit up like a Christmas tree.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lady's and Gentlemen, presenting:

I just read the most hysterical comment in a long time! It was posted last night (6/11/11 @ 21:47) on www.VegasHOA.com and it reads:
"What is your problem? You really are the kind of person who destroys because of your jealousy. Because you destroy yourself with your actions or lack of, so you attack, instead of accepting responsibility and improving yourself. You are the same person you were three years ago, when I curtailed your anger, did you forget? You have gotten worse in your behavior and more vicious, and you think people do not see this? OK, it was six years ago and guarranteed it is hearsay, always was, and the case is closed, its on the internet, a fact. You think that if you "expose" someone it gets you favor, wrong, you have a lot to learn young man, my past is out there, why is yours "sealed"? Somethings I am not proud of, but, the things I am proud of, are so far above your abilities you could not imagine. Singer, song writer, radio, television entertainer, certified electronic inventer, things you are not capable of, because you are proud to be a silly, silly destroyer. So quit trying, you will lose at every turn. GOD BLESS."

LMAO!! Singer, song writer?! Ha, Ha! certified electronic inventor?! Holy shit! Where does he get this stuff?? I really can't deny that Mr. Bitsky is those things... however, I can only judge by the success that has achieved. He had to file court papers for financial hardship to avoid paying a $3,000 fine to NLV, he allegedly used HOA money to pay for his personal criminal defense and he drives a beat up, broken down early '90's van.

Oh, yeah... he's got it going on!

Thanks for the laughs, MR. Bitsky!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The frustration of not being in control...

Mr. Bitsky must be popping his lid now that the VegasHOA.com website has a direct link to the community website and he has no control over either website. At least I can see the increased frustration. Why else would a 65+ year old man slowly drive past my house yelling obscenities? Why else would the phrase "WHO IS NOT OF THE BOD??? WHO CAN NOT GO TO MEETINGS???" be plastered all over the VegasHOA.com threads as the response to every thing?
I don't know what he's thinking by posting that the community website is nothing but propaganda against him and the ACHOA, because all it takes is one click and the truth will be revealed: a non-biased website dedicated to the community with a small percentage of it touching on HOA issues, like when meetings get cancelled. I believe the term is: you have egg all over your face, Mr. Bitsky!
He also says Google is full of lies. HA! It's full of PUBLIC documents that he doesn't want anyone to know about. Just Google "Joseph Bitsky" and see what turns up. Your results will be about two pages of Bitsky. Ya know, know that I think of it, we made you famous, Mr. Bitsky... you should be thanking us!

Sadly, it's only a matter of time when the house house of cards, that the Bitsky's built, comes crashing down.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Selective mailings...

It seems that only some homeowners received the latest letter from the ACHOA, the same letter that was posted on Craig's List. Well, either the ACHOA BOD is selective in who they send out ACHOA letters to (which is a violation of NRS) or North Las Vegas USPS always seems to loose my mail. WEIRD!
Doesn't any one else find it odd that our HOA does NOT have a public bulletin board (a great place would be next to the mail box) or a website (which are FREE, by the way)? Mr. Bitsky claims, in his interview with The View, that communitcation is the problem. Well, wouldn't a SOLUTION to that problem be an easier and CHEAPER way to keep homeowners informed?
It's through this "carefull management" that most of us are kept in the dark. Well, people... just wait until the Bitsky regime comes to an end, because then we will see just how in the dark THEY have kept us!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

As the Mud flies...

I wonder when the ACHOA will send out the letter that they published on Craig's List on May 15th? I look forward to reading it in black and white!
Although, as with most things Bitsky, some things don't seem to match up:

1) Bitsky has been president for 10 years: The ACHOA wasn't established until 12/28/2001 (that's a little short of ten), Bitsky didn't buy his house, and couldn't serve on the board, until 04/12/2002 (again, short of ten), the HOA wasn't taken over by homeowners until 02/02/2004 (which was confirmed by the NRED and is WAAAY short of ten years).

2) I lost three elections: There were only two elections that I ran for... I was won a seat in the first election (2008 - only three names on the ballot), I lost the second election (2008 - 4 names on the ballot. Although, one of those that won stepped down and even though I was on the ballot, Bitsky's wife was "appointed"), and there hasn't been an election since.

3) Only four people were fined: Actually, there have been at least SEVEN people fined since 2004.

4) Cathy Aja was never on the BOD: The first paragraph even says that she was on the BOD... plus, she was actually elected TWICE!

5) The ratings for Darcy Spears' plummeted: Quite the contrary, plus they even won an award.

You see, the problem with lying is that when you do it so often, you forget what lies you told before. Mr. Bitsky, you can't even keep it straight in one single letter!

What a shame!

Monday, May 9, 2011


What a great representation of Mr. and Mrs. Bitsky! Continuing their propaganda supported by lies, deceit and complete lack of a linear thought.
We need to ask ourselves why would people who claim to be community leaders, time after time, try and derail any efforts to bring the community together? We must also ask: why hasn't a website, email, or even a public message board (something that should be placed by the mailbox for all homeowners/residents to see) been established? Mr. Bitsky claims in his View interview that communication is a problem, so why hasn't he or the ACHOA established clear lines of communication?
The only way to contact the ACHOA is through the Bitskys: you need to either call their personal telephone number, write to their personal email address, or send a letter to their personal home address. Since 2004, when Mr and Mrs Bitsky have had COMPLETE control over the HOA, they have never even attempted to establish a two-way line of communication.
Mr. Bitsky has claimed in the past that I am a liability and am a danger to the HOA. That's funny because he, and the executive board, are under investigation by the NRED and he has been found guilty of a crime by locking homeowners inside his house. I ask you: who is more of a threat or liability?
Mr and Mrs Bitsky thrive on websites like VegasHOA.com because they are not held accountable for their slanderous and inflammatory remarks. They freely post lies without fear of being caught because no user ID is required. How convenient!

I, for one, will be glad when the truth is finally made public... not by me, but by the authorities.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Executive Board officers

It appears that no one has received any updated board information since the ACHOA letter in December 2010 where Mr. Bitsky stepped down as president. I have! Through the skillful use of deductive reasoning, figured out what seats the current board members hold:

Helen Murphy - President
Barbara Bitsky - Vice President
Joe Bitsky - Secretary/Treasurer

I wonder why there was no letter announcing the changes? I mean, Mr. Bitsky claims that the ACHOA is run properly, so it would stand to reason that the HOA would communicate important information like that.

Anyway, we gathered this information from two sources: 1) an ACHOA letter sign by Helen Murphy as president; and 2) the story in The View newspaper where Mr. Bitsky tells them that he is the secretary/treasurer.

So, even though, initially, Mr. Bitsky cast a smoke screen by saying he was stepping down which would remove him from the spotlight of the alleged fraud, he placed himself in a position where he is the person DIRECTLY responsible for the ACHOA finances.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The View April 26, 2011 Edition

I'll give credit, and thanks, to Kristi Jourdan for her article in the April 26 Edition of The View: First, for helping shed light upon the disease infesting our HOAs in the valley; and second, for providing a more objective position on reporting it.
Sadly, Mr. Bitsky continues his irrational rants. By the way, the problems he talks about started BEFORE I moved into the area, which is documented by the ACHOA letters to homeowners dated prior to August 2005. Plus, he refers to "lies" being told about him... our "lies" that he is referring to are DOCUMENTED FACTS provided by the state of Nevada, documents provided by the ACHOA and Mr. Bitsky's own statements on Channel 13. I think Mr. Bitsky confuses the definition of "lies" with "facts."
He claims "communication" is the main issue. Hell yeah it is! The ACHOA doesn't accept or respond to letters or telephone calls... they do not hold meeting or elections... they censor the voices of homeowners when they do have meetings... and refuse to allow homeowners thier LEGAL right to attend HOA meetings.
Oh, yeah... the only non-homeowner in attendance of the taped "meeting" was a homeowner's minor child, the rest were all homeowners.

Ya know what though... it's all good! In a couple of years, when it's all over, people WILL be held accountable.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The verdict is in!!

Mr. Bitsky was in court today to answer for two charges of coercion, stemming from an incident where he locked several people inside his home. His plea was "no contest."

I have a prediction:

1) since MR. Bitsky pled "no contest," he will, no doubt, send a letter to the homeowners of the AHCOA and tell them that he was NOT guilty... twisting the truth since he never admitted guilt. However, by pleading no contest, he was found guilty and must abide by the judges sentence.

2) The Executive Board will approve a new resolution that says any one who files criminal charges against a board member, regardless if they are legitimate, will no longer be in "good standing" and will not be allowed to participate in the ACHOA, except to pay assessments and fines.

3) The Executive Board will also approve a new resolution that says a continuing fine/violation definition is: any homeowner or resident who does not agree with the Executive Board, will be considered in violation and, as long as they live in with the ACHOA, they will be considered in a continuing fine situation, and we no longer be considered in "good standing."


It appears as though someone has found the VegasHOA.com website and is spreading more lies. We can only guess who this poster is, but we all have an idea. I wonder why this person won't stick with the truth?! I bet it's because he knows the truth will only make him look bad. What is even more funny is that he continues to tell people that I have been impersonating a LVPD officer.
Well, I've got news for Mr. Bitsky, I can PROVE that I was an officer! just watch older episodes of "Inside American Jail," which later became just "Jail." Yup, you will see me, in uniform, working as an officer. I have my NV POST certificate, I have a photo of me with Sheriff Keller at my graduation, I have subpoenas for cases I was involved with ... I have PROOF, Mr. Bitsky. Where is YOUR proof? You have none. Writing something on a website or in a letter to homeowners doesn't make it true. As matter of fact, doing what you are doing is ILLEGAL.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nevada SB 174 - BAD for Homeowners!

After reviewing the Nevada Senate Bill (SB) 174, I have found that IT IS BAD for homeowners! I encourage everyone to read it for your selves at the following web address: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/76th2011/Bills/SB/SB174.pdf

An important note: READ IT ENTIRELY! The first 10 or 15 sections look and sound good for homeowners, but the last few are VERY bad! This has been done on purpose... Most people, including me, begin reading the changes and stop after the first page or so because: 1) it's boring, and 2) the first few sound really good for homeowners. However, when read all of the way to the end, you will see how this bill eliminates the Executive Boards criminal liability, allows the executive board to transfer money with two signatures, and this bill allows the HOA to impose a lien for ANY amount due to the association for any reason.

Please write your congressmen and tell them not to pass this bill! Below is a list of names and email address for our Clark County Reps:

John Lee (D-District 1) : jlee@sen.state.nv.us
Mo Denis (D-District 2) : mdenis@sen.state.nv.us
Valerie Wiener (D-District 3) : vwiener@sen.state.nv.us
Steven Horsford (D-District 4) : shorsford@sen.state.nv.us
Shirley Breeden (D-District 5) : sbreeden@sen.state.nv.us
Michael Roberson (R-District 5) : mroberson@sen.state.nv.us
Allison Copening (D-District 6) : acopening@sen.state.nv.us
Mark Manendo (D-District 7) : mmanendo@sen.state.nv.us
David Parks (D-District 7) : dparks@sen.state.nv.us
Barbara Cegavske (R-District 8) : bcegavske@sen.state.nv.us
Elizabeth Halseth (R-District 9) : ehalseth@sen.state.nv.us
Ruben Kihuen (D-District 10) : rkihuen@sen.state.nv.us
Michael Schneider (D-District 11) : mschneider@sen.state.nv.us
Joseph Hardy, MD (R-District 12) : jhardy@sen.state.nv.us
Mike McGinness (R-Senatorial District) : mmcginness@sen.state.nv.us

Sunday, March 13, 2011


That sound that you hear is time running out.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good luck...

I certainly hope he required a HUGE, upfront retainer fee.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Continuing the fight...

It has been a long time since this journey began and it will be along time until the problems get resolved.

I am fascinated by the way the story gets twisted by the ACHOA that those of us who have filed complaints with the Ombudsman's office are the bad guys. I am sure we all know that the allegations against the ACHOA are true: no elections, no proper financial statements, no annual meetings, failure to enforce CC&Rs consistantly, etc.
The sad fact is that every homeowner will have to pay for the cost of the negligant actions of the Executive Board. By the looks of it, it will be somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,000 per homeowner. Just because our dues have stayed at $16 doesn't mean that the ACHOA is financially stabile or healthy. A financially responsible business, such as the ACHOA, will raise dues based on projected costs of business. These costs include: paying for a neutral place to hold meetings; paying for proper audit of the books; paying for upkeep of the common areas (take a look to the South of the mailboxes - that tree stump isn't good for the value of our homes); picking up the slack for the homes that are in foreclosure or homeowners who don't pay their assessments.
The current Executive Board has created a HUGE financial liability and we, the homeowners, are going to get stuck paying for it, not the board members.

We are all smart enough to see the big picture and,as homeowners, we have a responsibility to each other to make sure that OUR hoa is run properly.

Just wait until the dust clears!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Staying in the news...

Another great piece by the Channel 13 news crew!! Councilman Cherchio couldn't have said it better: ALL of us homeowners will be responsible for the current boards misappropriation of ACHOA funds and any fines that are imposed against the HOA. We all need to step forward, ask the difficult questions and get involved!

I wonder if the ACHOA will be paying for the damage done to the Bitsky's Cadillac? I'm sure the current board will claim that the ACHOA should pay because it was the result of a news crew doing a story about the ACHOA... the same reasoning for the ACHOA purchasing the video camera for the Bitsky's residence, as Mr. Bitsky said on public TV.