Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Continued misinformation

Today is the day that the ACHOA said that they will be mailing out the election ballots. Even though NRS requires 30 days in which to submit nomination requests, the ACHOA only allowed 15 days (letter from the ACHOA mailed out on August 3, 2010 and the ACHOA deadline was August 18, 2010).
When you consider that, 1) we didn't get the ACHOA letters until August 4th at the earliest and, 2) we had to mail a request for the nomination documents and wait for those documents to be returned, and 3) we had to fill out those documents and mail them out, it left a very small window for actual nominations. You should also consider that, per CC&Rs and NRS, nominations can be taken during the annual homeowners meeting immediately prior to the election... we, the homeowners, were never advised or given that opportunity. This opportunity for nominations at the meeting should have been on the agenda, but it wasn't.
We need to ask ourselves: "why does the current ACHOA executive board continue to make it almost impossible for anyone other than the Bitsky's to serve on the board?" Don't take my word for it, look at the facts for yourself.

Here are some facts:

Mr. Bitsky denied the existence of an ACHOA credit card, but now says that he has to use one to pay the bills.

Mr. Bitsky denies that there is an NRED investigation, but admits that he provided the NRED Ombudsman with documents and photos because of a complaint that was filed against the BOD.

I have highlighted this information because, sometimes, it's hard to make sense of all the rhetoric that is thrown around. Again, please verify this for yourselves, because as Mr. Bitsky says in his letters, I am a know-nothing.