Friday, June 24, 2011

JoeBo the Clown is really getting entertaining! Of course, Mr Bitsky continues his contradictory statements and refuses to acknowledge the rules of Nevada's governing bodies. What is more interesting is that when he attempts to describe the people posting comments against him, which he still thinks is only me, he is actually describing himself. Someone should contact Fox or TruTV and get start a TV show... it's THAT entertaining!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Truth...

Let's focus on why this blog was started: the TRUTH! Well, folks... we can't. The fact is, there is NOTHING truthful about the ACHOA!
The ACHOA has been lying to us for years! These lies were perpetrated by Joe Bitsky to cement his position within the ACHOA, it's BOD and to hide his personal useage of HOA money. He willfully lied about the former CPA having a heart attack; he willfully lied about the credit cards; he willfully lied about me posing as a "LVPD officer"; he willfully lies about his felony conviction; he even lies about his most recent coercion charges.
I don't hate HOAs, I hate the bullying liars that run them! Mr. Bitsky, Mrs. Bitsky and Mrs Murphy are costing the homeowners of the ACHOA thousands of dollars! He will blame me and a couple other homeowners for the ACHOA spending money on attorneys, etc, but the fact is: these attorney fees were a DIRECT result of the current BOD's mismanagement and blatant disregard for Nevada laws and our own CC&Rs.
The Truth... the ACHOA wouldn't know the truth if it was lit up like a Christmas tree.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lady's and Gentlemen, presenting:

I just read the most hysterical comment in a long time! It was posted last night (6/11/11 @ 21:47) on and it reads:
"What is your problem? You really are the kind of person who destroys because of your jealousy. Because you destroy yourself with your actions or lack of, so you attack, instead of accepting responsibility and improving yourself. You are the same person you were three years ago, when I curtailed your anger, did you forget? You have gotten worse in your behavior and more vicious, and you think people do not see this? OK, it was six years ago and guarranteed it is hearsay, always was, and the case is closed, its on the internet, a fact. You think that if you "expose" someone it gets you favor, wrong, you have a lot to learn young man, my past is out there, why is yours "sealed"? Somethings I am not proud of, but, the things I am proud of, are so far above your abilities you could not imagine. Singer, song writer, radio, television entertainer, certified electronic inventer, things you are not capable of, because you are proud to be a silly, silly destroyer. So quit trying, you will lose at every turn. GOD BLESS."

LMAO!! Singer, song writer?! Ha, Ha! certified electronic inventor?! Holy shit! Where does he get this stuff?? I really can't deny that Mr. Bitsky is those things... however, I can only judge by the success that has achieved. He had to file court papers for financial hardship to avoid paying a $3,000 fine to NLV, he allegedly used HOA money to pay for his personal criminal defense and he drives a beat up, broken down early '90's van.

Oh, yeah... he's got it going on!

Thanks for the laughs, MR. Bitsky!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The frustration of not being in control...

Mr. Bitsky must be popping his lid now that the website has a direct link to the community website and he has no control over either website. At least I can see the increased frustration. Why else would a 65+ year old man slowly drive past my house yelling obscenities? Why else would the phrase "WHO IS NOT OF THE BOD??? WHO CAN NOT GO TO MEETINGS???" be plastered all over the threads as the response to every thing?
I don't know what he's thinking by posting that the community website is nothing but propaganda against him and the ACHOA, because all it takes is one click and the truth will be revealed: a non-biased website dedicated to the community with a small percentage of it touching on HOA issues, like when meetings get cancelled. I believe the term is: you have egg all over your face, Mr. Bitsky!
He also says Google is full of lies. HA! It's full of PUBLIC documents that he doesn't want anyone to know about. Just Google "Joseph Bitsky" and see what turns up. Your results will be about two pages of Bitsky. Ya know, know that I think of it, we made you famous, Mr. Bitsky... you should be thanking us!

Sadly, it's only a matter of time when the house house of cards, that the Bitsky's built, comes crashing down.