Thursday, April 14, 2011

It appears as though someone has found the website and is spreading more lies. We can only guess who this poster is, but we all have an idea. I wonder why this person won't stick with the truth?! I bet it's because he knows the truth will only make him look bad. What is even more funny is that he continues to tell people that I have been impersonating a LVPD officer.
Well, I've got news for Mr. Bitsky, I can PROVE that I was an officer! just watch older episodes of "Inside American Jail," which later became just "Jail." Yup, you will see me, in uniform, working as an officer. I have my NV POST certificate, I have a photo of me with Sheriff Keller at my graduation, I have subpoenas for cases I was involved with ... I have PROOF, Mr. Bitsky. Where is YOUR proof? You have none. Writing something on a website or in a letter to homeowners doesn't make it true. As matter of fact, doing what you are doing is ILLEGAL.

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